Company Support
Medical specialty societies develop resources that help our members advance medical care and provide a forum for presenting scientific developments. Members work with health professionals, patients, and other groups to guide biomedical research, discover new therapies, and engage in the practice of medicine. Societies offer educational opportunities that help translate scientific and medical progress into delivery of medical care.
For-profit entities that develop, produce, market or distribute pharmaceuticals, devices, services or therapies used to diagnose, treat, monitor, manage, and alleviate health conditions, referred to in this Code as “Companies,” also strive to help patients live longer and healthier lives. Companies invest resources to bring new drug therapies and devices from the laboratory to the patient while maximizing shareholder value.
Members and patients rely on Societies to be authoritative, independent voices in science and medicine. Public confidence in our objectivity and minimizing actual and perceived conflicts of interest are critical to advancing our mission. As an organization, CMSS insists every Society meet the highest ethical standards in its relationships with these Companies and the public.