President’s Message
I am honored and humbled to step into the role of CMSS President. My first order of business is to thank David Hoyt, Helen Burstin, and our entire Board for a job well-done in 2018. David, as President, and Helen, as our new EVP and CEO, not only led us through a year of transition…
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As I wrap-up my first year as your EVP & CEO, I want to thank you for this remarkable opportunity to re-envision CMSS’s future with you. Our strategic plan includes new mission and priorities to help CMSS move to the next level of service and impact. Our new 3-part mission includes: 1) support and strengthen…
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As promised in our spring newsletter, the Board of the Council of Medical Specialty Societies (CMSS) had a retreat in August to consider the mission and focus of CMSS going forward. I am proud to report the excellent work that the Board did under the leadership of our new EVP & CEO Helen Burstin and…
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I’m so pleased that we will have an opportunity to discuss our newly proposed vision and mission statement for CMSS with you in November. Dr. Hoyt led a great strategic planning discussion and we’re excited to consider a vision for CMSS with you. We will spend time at our reviewing our new direction and…
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It has been a very busy six months. It was great to meet so many of you at our Summit and Spring Meeting. We had a very successful spring Summit on the Future of Clinical Registries. At our Spring Meeting, we brought all of our component group chairs together to begin more shared learning and…
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